Posts Tagged ‘ Bon Voyage ’

Bon Voyage with Sy Whitesong: alirium

Welcome to my first post on the SL Art Couture Blog, and the start of a new segment:  “Bon Voyage with Sy Whitesong!”  Each month I’ll bring you a new breathtaking location from around the grid, complete with a SLURL so that you can check it out for yourself!

For my first post, I’ve chosen my absolute FAVORITE landscaping boutique:  alirium.  I first discovered alirium almost a year ago, when I was looking for a cherry tree that wasn’t afflicted with horrendous texturing.  At that point in time, alirium was still a relatively small store, with a modest offering of trees in a variety of seasonal styles.  Today, however, alirium is HUGE!  It covers an entire sim, having display floors both on the ground level and in the sky!

As its name implies, Frost (the display area in the sky) is a winter wonderland…an absolutely beautiful expanse of snow covered mountains and trees glistening in the light of the aurora borealis overhead.  On the ground level, one finds several large vignettes representing each of the seasons….spring, summer, autumn, and winter.  I must confess, my favorite location on the Second Life grid is currently alirium’s spring/summer section of the sim…there’s just something about all of that green, combined with alirium’s GORGEOUS lighting and vibrant flowers that makes me all warm and fuzzy inside.  =D  Anyways, a picture is worth a thousand words, so here are some shots I took while on my most recent excursion to alirium:



black swan

me and jonas enjoying a peaceful moment

spooky graveyard at night

pretty lights!


white stag

Check it out at: